School Meal Service
El Dorado School District will provide a School Meal Service FREE for any student 18 and under Tuesday through Friday of this week. Children must be present to receive a meal. All meal service is to be taken off campus. Cafeterias will not be open for anyone to sit and eat.
Bagged meals will include a lunch for the day of pick up and a breakfast for the following morning. Meals will be provided through a drive-up option for families to help prevent the spread of illness.
Meal service time will be at 3 schools and 8 hub locations.
The school cafeterias listed below will hand out meals to students 18 and under from 11:00 am until 12:30 pm Tuesday through Friday of this week. When picking up meals at the schools please do not park or get out of your vehicle. Students who walk to the school may pick up a meal to take with them. Please follow the pick up directions below at the school nearest you:
Cars enter and exit through the one way drive. Meals will be handed to eligible students in each car.
Cars travel south on College in the regular pick up line, turn into the bus parking area, make a u-turn and meals will be handed to eligible students in each car at the cafeteria door.
Washington Middle School:
Cars travel south on MLK, turn into the regular car line and eligible students will be handed meal at the end of the line.
HUB locations
Meals will be delivered by school bus to 8 locations at the times listed below. All meal recipients must be present at the delivery time and must be 18 and under.
Chapel Ridge Apts - 11 am
Oakhurst Apt – 11 am
Vineyards – 11 am
Hillsboro Apt – 11:30 am
Haygood Neil – 11:30 am
Trinity Church - 11:30 am
UPDATED: East Main Baptist Church - 11:30 am (Wednesday - Friday)
Union School – 12 noon
Southside School – 12 noon
St. John Baptist Church – 12 noon
Wildwood – 12 noon