Congratulations to the El Dorado School District Honorees of the Month from Washington Middle School.
Student of the Month: Allison Allgood
Allison Allgood is in the 6th grade at WMS. She is the daughter of Luther and Denise Allgood.
Allison’s math teacher Mrs. Norris said: “Allison is an amazing student to have in class. She is an extremely hard worker and is always striving to learn. She is kind to her classmates, respectful to her teachers, and consistently puts others first.”
Angula Davis, Music Production teacher: "Allison Allgood is a great candidate for Student of the Month for she is a well-mannered, very respectful young lady, with compassion and sensitivity for others. She models gentleness, kindness, and respect. Allison is that one student who will always ask How are you today? Do you need any help? She is soft-spoken, but her character speaks loudly!”
Jennifer Michaels, Orchestra teacher: “Allison Allgood is the type of human being that the world needs. She has a big heart and shows kindness to everyone she meets. I love having her in the WMS Orchestra; she is a fantastic example of what a great musician is. She practices her cello, piano, and singing on a regular basis and pays close attention to detail and direction. She works hard at everything she puts her mind to. I am so proud of her and I’m honored that I get to teach and make music with such a successful, talented, and well-rounded young lady.”
Principal, Bethanie Hale: "Allison has such a sweet spirit. She is kind to everyone she comes into contact with. She is an extremely hard worker and strives for excellence in everything she does. Allison goes above and beyond in the classroom on a daily basis. There is no doubt in my mind that Allison is deserving of this recognition. I am so proud of Allison!"
Student of the Month, Allison Allgood
Classified Employee of the Month: Alivia Zartuche
Alivia Zartuche has been a paraprofessional at WMS for the last two years.
Assistant Principal Cori Martinez said, “Mrs. Zartuche works hard daily pulling students to help them master skills. She works one on one with children to really help them achieve success. Anything you ask Mrs. Z to do, she completes with a smile on her face. What a great asset she is to our school!”
Principal, Bethanie Hale: "Alivia Zartuche has been and continues to be a blessing to Washington Middle School. She began working at WMS last year and has really become one of our own. She always has a positive attitude and is so willing to step in wherever she is needed. Her rapport with students is wonderful and they love and respect her. Ms. Zartuche is a great asset to our team and we are thrilled to be able to honor her hard work and dedication. Washington would not be the same without her. "
Classified Employee of the Month: Alivia Zartuche
Certified Employee of the Month: Evelyn Escamilla
Evelyn Escamilla is a 6th-grade science teacher at WMS. She has been with the district since December 2019. She has a Bachelors in Middle School STEM from Southern Arkansas University.
5th grade Science Teacher Ethan Kelton said, “Escamilla is a great teacher. She takes pride in everything she does and goes the extra step to help her students and staff alike. She constantly creates new and fun activities for her students that are second to none. And when the workday is over, she always finds time to go to the students' games, recitals, and plays. Those are the kinds of teachers that make a lasting impact on students' lives and it shows in her rapport with both parents and students.”
Carolyn Smith, Science Chair, said, “If you walked into Ms. Escamilla's classroom, you would not think you were in a 2nd-year teacher's classroom. She is wise beyond her years and has the natural ability to teach any level of the student. I have watched how she involves all students in her science lessons and makes everyone feel important! Ms. Escamilla's willingness to help fellow teachers says a lot about her commitment to education and our students at WMS.”
Principal Bethanie Hale said: "Evelyn Escamilla is a go-getter. I forget frequently that she is not a veteran teacher because she does such a fantastic job. She is always looking for ways to involve students in their learning and she wants them to see science come alive in the classroom. Ms. Escamilla also teaches Ag. Engineering and Spanish. Last year she came to me and expressed that she would love to see our students learn Spanish and all about the culture. I told her I would too and now she teaches it. Evelyn always has a smile on her face and her love for learning is contagious. I am so thankful to have her at WMS and it wouldn’t be the same without her."
Certified Teacher of the Month: Evelyn Escamilla