Congratulations to the El Dorado School District Honorees of the Month from Barton Junior High!
Student of the Month: Sophia Clark
Barton Junior High’s Student of the Month is Sophia Clark. She is a 7th-grade student and the daughter of Trey and Carmen Clark.
The nominating teacher said Sophia is so helpful and always has a smile on her face. I enjoy her so much!
Her Assistant Principal, Cori Martinez said that Sophia is one of the kindest students. She is positive, respectful, and polite every single day! As an office worker, any task you ask her to do, she does it efficiently and with pride. What a hardworking young lady! She is in archery and also excels in advanced courses. I cannot think of a more deserving student to represent Barton as student of the month. Well deserved for sure!
Student of the month: Sophia Clark
Classified Employee of the Month: Brenda Richards
Barton Junior High’s Classified Employee of the Month is Brenda Richards. She has been faithfully serving in the BJH Cafeteria and ESD for 12 years! She has been married for 42 years to Bernard Richard. They have two daughters, Latoya Buffert and Chiquita Richard, and one grandson, Damerio Buffert.
The nominating staff member said Brenda is always so sweet, polite, and helpful. She loves what she does and loves Barton students!
Ms. Geneva Odems states that Brenda cares about her job. When she is assigned a task you don’t have to worry about it being done right. She has a good work ethic. She is very friendly and hospitable. She is faithful to her job and loves people and God. She calls the cafeteria workers her family and friends.
Principal Michelle Henry stated that Barton is so glad to have employees like Ms. Brenda to serve our students and staff. We appreciate Ms. Brenda and we are happy she calls Barton her home!
Classified Employee of the Month: Brenda Richards
Certified Employee of the Month: Karen Silmon
Barton Junior High’s Teacher of the Month is Karen Silmon. She received her bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from Louisiana Tech and her Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Arkansas State University. Mrs. Silmon has been teaching for 34 years with 29 of those being at ESD. Her very first year of teaching was at BJH! She has also taught 3rd and 4th grade at Yocum. She has been IRT, Dean of Students, and School Improvement Specialist at Washington Middle School, and a School Improvement Specialist at El Dorado High School. She is currently teaching 7th-grade math.
Mrs. SIlmon has been married for 30 years to Tim Silmon. They have three children, Cody (Brandy) Silmon, Alexis (Dustin) Davis, and Allyson Silmon. They have three grandchildren, Sidda Silmon, Lynlee Davis, and Kase Silmon.
The nominating co-workers stated that Mrs. Silmon teaches hard every single day! Math is her language, and the kids know in her room it’s time to learn and focus. She will pull students through RTI, tutoring, and all just to get students where they need to be. Mrs. Silmon holds all of her students to high expectations. She is just here for the kids! Another co-worker stated that for as long as I can remember, Mrs. Silmon has been a teacher. She is not just any teacher, but one with patience and excellent teaching abilities. Another stated that Mrs. Silmon is an amazing teacher. She goes above and beyond to make sure that every student has what they need to be successful. Another stated that Mrs. Silmon is a joy to be around. The way she has taken on additional classes to ensure that no child is left behind in math is amazing! She does all of this with a smile on her face. We share a wall and I can hear her teaching and the students participating, and it makes me smile. She truly has the heart of an educator.
Principal Michelle Henry stated, Karen Silmon was at Yocum when I began my teaching career. She served as a mentor and friend to me during those years. She has continued to be a friend for years since that time. Karen has always been a strong teacher, and she continues to show that every day not at Barton. She leads her co-workers, she holds her students accountable, and she pushes for success! Karen has taken the lead among the 7th-grade math team to ensure all Barton students are successful. Karen would literally teach all 315 7th-graders by herself if she had enough desks, and it wasn’t against the law!
In addition to teaching math, Karen does early morning cafeteria duty each day and helps out wherever she sees a need. She is positive and friendly to all around her. We are so happy she decided to return to the El Dorado School District and call Barton Junior High her home.
Certified Employee of the Month: Karen Silmon
And a special congratulations to Mrs. Denise Allgood from Washington Middle School who won Classified Employee of the Month in December. She was unable to be at the December meeting and was recognized at the January meeting.
Classified Employee of the Month for December 2022: Denise Allgood
Washington Middle School’s Classified Employee of the Month is Denise Allgood. Ms. Algood is a paraprofessional and has worked ESD for six years.
Coworker Kristyna Newton shared, “Mrs. Allgood is such a valuable asset to WMS. She is always willing to do what is needed to ensure the school runs smoothly. The students love her because she holds strong academic expectations, yet she is able to use each child's unique strengths to help them overcome their struggles and develop a positive self-concept. I feel privileged to be able to work beside her every day. Her devotion and tenacity are admirable. She is willing to do whatever it takes to help the students reach their goals.
Coworker Katie Taylor, “Denise Allgood is so deserving of this award! She goes above and beyond to help anyone that needs her. She also steps up and does anything she is asked to do. She never complains about not getting to do her regular job or having to eat at a different time.”
Principal, Bethanie Hale: Denise Allgood is irreplaceable at WMS. She is one of the hardest workers I have ever met and will jump in wherever she is needed without a positive attitude. From subbing in classes to covering the office when we are short-staffed, Denise is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. She is passionate about literacy and works hard with her students to help them close the gaps they may have. I am so thankful to have Denise a part of our WMS family and it would not be the same without her.
Classified Employee of the Month for December 2022: Denise Allgood