Check out our Extreme Youth Program! Sign up now!
Bus route 22 serving Hugh Goodwin, Northwest Elementary, and Barton Junior High will be 10-15 minutes late this afternoon.
Click here to find out more about Barton Junior High's Waiting to Excel Program.
Spring Semester Exam Schedule
Due to Weather Concerns, the National History Day State Competition Trip for Barton student is being cancelled.
Come celebrate the champions in all our students at Barton's Parent Night.
Congratulations to all the Union County Math Competition winners. Barton Jr. High was well represented.
Barton yearbooks can now be purchased directly online for $25.
In honor of National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, Barton wants to say a special thanks to our SRO. The old saying "To Protect and Serve" is exactly what Officer Miller does for our school. From all of us at Barton Junior High, Thank you Officer DeQuita Miller.
Don't forget to treat yourself and your student to a Blizzard from DQ. $1 of every Blizzard sold at the El Dorado Dairy Queen today will be donated to Barton Junior High.
Barton's Holiday Concert will be at 6:00 PM, December 10 in the Dome. Come join us as Barton's Music Department performs.
The Basketball Purple/ White Game will be Saturday, 11/3/18, come support your Wildkittens!
Don't forget about early dismissal tomorrow. School will be dismissed at 2:40.
Parents and Students don't forget Bingo Cards are due Wednesday 10/3/2018
Barton Junior High School yearbooks are now on sale. Yearbooks are $25. They can be ordered in room 110.
Don't Forget! Parent/ Teacher Conferences are Today from 12:00- 6:00.
Just a reminder...Parent/ Teacher Conferences are Monday (9/24/18) starting at noon and will end at 6:00 PM.
The Pep Rally tomorrow will introduce the 7th Grade Football team. We will also see who is crowned the new Mr. BJH.
PTO and Report to the Public is tonight in the Barton Cafeteria at 5:30. Please come join us.
Yearbook Pictures will be taken September 18th and 19th. 7th Grade will take pictures on the 18th and 8th Grade will take their pictures on the 19th.