

The WMS Gameverse website is back for 2025! Every game and logo showcased on the site was created by talented students in Mr. Rynders' Coding Class.  New games are currently being made and added to the website. Be sure to check back often for game updates and new games being added to the site. You can also revisit and enjoy some of the games from last year.

There is a competition for each class period that goes along with this process. Each time you play a 2025 made game on the website, please make sure you go to the “Rate a Game” page to rate the games you have played. The plays and ratings will help us make the games even better.  The plays and ratings will also help students win prizes at the end of the competition on March 21st. One student will win the grand prize valued at $125. It will be a custom 1/1 artwork made and autographed by artist James Ryan. You can visit his website at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArtbyJamesRyan. There will be tons of other great prizes available as well.

More directions on how to play the games can be found on the WMS GameVerse website.