FREE at home reading resource

With JLG Gold Standard eBooks for Elementary, Middle School and High school students, JLG Digital gives your readers unlimited access to read books online from any device. There is no limit to the number of users who can access the books, so your home-bound students can click to their hearts' content! Titles enter and exit the digital stream regularly, so there are always new picks available.

Click the link below to access the platform:

Once on the platform, use the usernames and passwords below.

Username: JLGELM
Password: JLGFREE

Middle School
Username: JLGMID
Password: JLGFREE

Check out the JLG video to learn how to use the platform.

NOTE: the first part of the video explains the platform, what it looks like and how to use it.  The second part of the video is for the librarian.  Please disregard that part.

Thank you,

Mrs. Turner

WMS Librarian