March 17, 2020
Wondering how to submit an assignment in Google Classroom? Check out Ms. Sheeley's video!
March 15, 2020
School Meal Service
El Dorado School District will provide a School Meal Service FREE for any student 18 and under Tuesday through Friday of this week. Children must be...
March 15, 2020
The Governor has announced that all Arkansas schools can open tomorrow but there will be a mandatory school closure starting Tuesday, March 17 until after Spring Break.
March 11, 2020
WMS will hold musical production tryouts on Thursday March 19 from 4:00-5:00pm in the WMS cafeteria. Auditions will be open to fourth and fifth grade students only. Students wi...
March 5, 2020
Last week students in mini music with Mrs. Davis created pianos using conductive materials by completing a circuit. They then played songs they had learned in class using sheet m...
February 26, 2020
The WMS underwater robotics team, the Eldo shARks, are hard at work on building their robot for the 2020 MATE Northern Gulf Coast Regional ROV Competition! One essential part of ...
February 18, 2020
Please take a minute to complete our parent survey. Your voice matters! We want WMS to be the best it can be, not only for our students, but for our parents as well. We would a...
February 12, 2020
Archery students achieved some major goals that were set for them at the beginning of the year. This included placing top two at the 2020 Regional meet and scoring over 3,000 poin...
February 10, 2020
On February 8th, Washington Middle School traveled to Fordyce, AR to compete in their regional meet. They ended up getting a team score of 3081 and placing second. This qualified ...
January 30, 2020
This past weekend, Washington Middle School Competition STEM students traveled to the University of Texas at Arlington to participate in the North Texas Regional Future City Compe...
December 9, 2019
Check out a sneak peak of our 2019 Sights and Sounds of the Holidays program. To see the entire performance, please join us in the WMS gym tonight at 5:30! This video includes a...
November 22, 2019
One of our pullouts for Tectonicon STEAM day was to create an interactive poster about Mariana's Trench. Students used conductive materials to create circuits, then they coded th...
November 21, 2019
One of our STEAM day pullouts was a Green Screen Video about Tsunamis. Checkout a couple of our teams videos.
November 21, 2019
One of our STEAM Day projects was a teaching model of Pangea. Mrs. Savage's homeroom made a great video! Check it out!
November 21, 2019
Take a look at our erupting volcanos for 5th grade. Check out our Facebook Album to see photos of 6th grade volcano eruptions.
November 21, 2019
One of our STEAM Day projects for Tectonicon was building an earthquake proof structure that met strict guidelines. This structure could only be built using materials purchased f...
November 21, 2019
During STEAM day several students across our school chose to go to the Bloxels EDU pullout. In this pullout students created video games using different colored blocks that repre...
November 7, 2019
Mrs. Flannigan's classes had a blast today working in teams to review what they had learned. 5th graders used Gimkit to collaborate and share knowledge. Students earned money fo...