The El Dorado School District has been informed that an EHS football player has tested positive for Covid-19. The Administration followed the response protocol issued by The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and contacted the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH).
We are currently in the process of notifying those who may have been in close contact (closer than 6 feet for 15 min cumulative in 24-hour period). Our trained Point of Contact (P.O.C), Debbie McAdams, will be investigating this case and will notify any Probable Close Contacts. Students and staff do not need to quarantine unless contacted by the P.O.C.
The district is taking active measures to deep clean and disinfect the facilities appropriately. For the privacy of our students and staff, the El Dorado School District cannot share personal information regarding this case. The school district has followed the procedures outlined by the Arkansas Department of Health and remains steadfast in our commitment to the safety of our students and staff.