Pencil and Testing answer sheet with ACT Aspire Testing Schedule & Tips for Success

State testing using the ACT Aspire begins next week. Throughout the month of April all students in grades 3-10 will complete this test. See the list below or print the attached calendars for your child's testing dates.

Students can help ensure their success on the test with the following tips.

-Get plenty of rest the night before the test.

-Eat a good breakfast.

-Be sure to attend school and not have any outside appointments during the days of testing.

-Get to school on time.

-Do your best!

If you have any questions regarding testing, please contact your school office.

Testing Dates (see calendar for exact dates)

April 9-13 - 8th, 9th, and 10th Grades

April 16-20 - 3rd Grade @ Retta Brown & Northwest, 7th Grade

April 23-27 - 3rd Grade @ Hugh Goodwin, 4th Grade @ Yocum & Retta Brown, 5th Grade

April 30-May 4 - 3rd Grade @ Hugh Goodwin & Yocum, 4th Grade @ Northwest & Hugh. Goodwin, 6th grade

May 7-8 - 4th Grade @ Hugh Goodwin