board recognition

Congratulations to the El Dorado School District May Honorees from Barton Junior High School and Washington Middle School. 

Student of the Month is Samantha Huddleston. Samantha is the daughter of Bobby and Sarah Huddleston and a seventh-grader at Barton. 

One teacher said: This student is very bright, helpful, always does what is asked and she is friendly to all. Another commented: Sam always tries her best, she is a friend to everyone, and she is as kind as one can be. She represents Barton very well.

Her principal, Mark Smith said: It is truly a joy to have Sam as a student at Barton. She works hard in every class, making all A's throughout the year. Sam has a loving heart and makes all students feel welcome. We are proud that Samantha is being honored as the Student of the Month.

Samantha Huddleston, Student of the Month.

Classified Employee of the Month is Jessenia Restituyo. This is Ms. Restituyo’s second year at Barton. 

Some of the teachers at Barton said: Ms. R saves the day – time and time again! She keeps the front office a welcoming place and makes everyone feel comfortable. She always has a smile on her face, is cheerful, does a multitude of things and helps out.

Her principal, Mark Smith said: What more can I say, the staff is exactly right - Mrs. R has a constant smile, loves everyone and when I ask her to do something, I will hear every time, "I got you Mr. Smith.” We love Ms. R and are proud that she was selected as the Classified Employee of the Month.

Jessenia Restituyo, Classified Employee of the Month.

Teacher of the Month from Barton Jr. High School is Lisa Hooks. Mrs. Hooks received her bachelor's degree from Southern Arkansas University and began her career in our district in August 2001. 

Although this is Mrs. Hooks first year at Barton, she joined the staff and immediately made an impact on the students and faculty in a positive way. She mentors new teachers, is a terrific teammate in her 7th grade team, and is a friend to all. A fellow teacher said: She goes above and beyond for her students and her fellow teachers. 

Her principal, Mark Smith said: Mrs. Hooks is one of the hardest working people that I know. She is usually the first person on campus, preparing her classroom for the day. I typically do not need to ask her to help with a project on campus because she is in my office volunteering before I get a chance to ask for help. I really do not know where she gets her energy. Barton is fortunate to have Mrs. Hooks, and we are proud that she was selected Teacher of the Month.

Lisa Hooks, Teacher of the Month, Barton Junior High School.

Ms. Christina Turner was Teacher of the Month from Washington Middle School in April 2021. She was unable to be at the meeting due to unforeseen circumstances and was recognized at May’s meeting. To read more about Ms. Turner, visit

Christina Turner, Teacher of the Month, Washington Middle School.