From the Desk of the Superintendent:
Today, Governor Hutchinson, along with Secretary of Education Key, announced that quarantine is now optional for school districts.
Beginning tomorrow, February 2, 2022, all students grades K-12 who are currently quarantined due to close contact situations are allowed to return to school. If a student has recently tested positive, they will continue to isolate until their designated isolation period is over, and they are symptom-free. Students who are diagnosed with new COVID cases are still required to be isolated for 5 days and may return to campus on the 6th day if they are symptom-free. At this time, we encourage students, staff, and visitors to social distance when possible, and the mask policy will remain in place.
The El Dorado School District thanks you for your cooperation and patience as we enter year two of this pandemic. We understand it isn’t always easy, but we appreciate your flexibility as we monitor and adjust.
If you have questions about isolation or returning to campus, please email Debbie McAdams, ESD COVID Point-of-Contact, at