Each new school year brings an opportunity for educators to look for ways we can improve our craft. The PLC (Professional Learning Community) process has taken that opportunity to a new level, allowing staff purposeful time to review data and make improvements that benefit our students. It is hard work, but it is good work.
Over the last two years, Yocum Elementary and Yocum Primary have made tremendous gains in implementing the PLC process. The leadership Principal Jessica Moore has provided to both campuses has been a major contributing factor to that success. Her dedication to the students and staff of Yocum Schools has been nothing short of phenomenal. In order to continue that progress, the district has elected to add a principal to Yocum Primary.
“Jessica Moore has done an outstanding job juggling all aspects of each campus from curriculum, PLC, intervention, discipline, and day-to-day operations while traveling between two schools. In an effort to provide as much support as possible to each staff as we move deeper into the PLC process, it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for one person to lead two separate campuses,” Jim Tucker, ESD Superintendent said.
Yocum Elementary and Yocum Primary will remain “Yocum Schools.” Both campuses will keep the same colors, mascot, and building. The only difference will be Yocum Primary having its own leadership. The new principal will be Kristen Thomas.
“As assistant principal, Mrs. Thomas has proven to be more than capable of learning this building. I’m excited about her vision and commitment to the work that has already been occurring on this campus,” Mr. Tucker commented. “I am confident this decision will allow both Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Thomas the time needed to continue moving forward with the PLC process while strengthening the interventions on both campuses. As we deepen the work of the PLC process, this will allow each campus to have more support to better meet the needs of students next year and the years to follow.”
We look forward to seeing all the amazing things Mrs. Thomas will accomplish while principal at Yocum Primary!