The El Dorado School District School Board voted to approve changes to the Cell Phone Policy at the July Board meeting. The changes are as follows:
- “Electronic devices” is defined “as anything that can be used to transmit or capture images, sound, or data. (i.e. Cell Phones, tablets, Smart Watches)
- EHS Students:
- May use phones before school, between classes, and at lunch time.
- When the bell rings at 7:55am, when a student enters the classroom, and when lunch is over, the phone must be on silent and out of sight.
- Students are not allowed to use ear buds/headphones.
- Devices may not be used during class time unless directed by the teacher. This includes leaving the classroom during class time, unless the student is not returning to that class.
- Use of cell phones in the hallway is a privilege. The misuse of cell phones entering the classroom or leaving the classroom could result in this privilege being revoked for all students.
The full policy can be read on our website. Click here for more information.