Look for information from your child's school regarding the scheduling of conferences!
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Powell
PT Conference
Check out our meal delivery and pick-up schedules on remote learning days - Friday, February 12 and Monday, February 15.
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Powell
Meal Delivery Remote Days
On February 12 and 15 all K-12 students and staff will have remote learning and teaching days. There will be NO onsite instruction on these days.
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Powell
Nominations for the Gifted and Talented Program are now being accepted.
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Powell
GT Nominations
Please read this important message from our Special Education Department regarding private, homeschooled or homeless children who may be in need of services.
almost 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
Child Find Ad for SPED
If your child may be in need of services provided by our Special Education department, please make plans to attend this informative meeting on January 28 at 4:00 pm.
almost 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
SPED Child Find Meeting
As Promise Week comes to a close we would like to thank Murphy Oil for the promise given to the students in our school district. Fourteen years and more to come!
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Powell
Murphy 14 years post pic
Please come support our student athletes as they compete in the first wresting match in school history.
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Powell
Wondering what house is in the lead? It's close this week! #goblueteam #housesystem #wmsismakingideashappen
almost 4 years ago, Washington Middle School
House Points 1/20
If your child may be in need of services through our Special Education Department, please make plans to attend our public meeting on January 28 at 4:00 pm.
almost 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
SPED Child Find Meeting
REMINDER: No school today in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
almost 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
MLK quote
No school Monday, January 18 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
almost 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
MLK Holiday January 18
If you think your child may be in need of services provided by our Special Education Department, please reach out to them at (870) 864-5133.
almost 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
SPED outreach
El Dorado Schools will have a late start this morning, opening at 10:00 am. Buses will run 2 hours later than usual. Enjoy the snow and be safe!
almost 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
Late start - 10 am
The regular monthly meeting of the El Dorado School Board has been rescheduled to Tuesday, January 19 at 6:00 pm at the TAC House.
almost 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
School Board Meeting Rescheduled
The Promise Podcast has a new episode ready for you to listen! Check out this month's discussion with Kim Wright from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education about what our state offers for educators. https://www.eldoradopublicschools.org/page/promise-podcast
almost 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
The Promise Podcast
Elementary Parents - starting tomorrow, January 5, you can park at your child's school and walk them to the building. Please read this article for full details: https://www.eldoradopublicschools.org/article/370988
almost 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
drop off/pick up changes
The Home Access Center (HAC) for reviewing students' grades at home has updated their web link to http://hac20.esp.k12.ar.us.
almost 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
HAC update
Happy New Year to all of our students, staff and families! We hope 2021 brings many blessings to each of you! We look forward to seeing our staff back for professional development on January 4 and students back at school on January 5!
almost 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
Happy New Year 2021
Wishing all of our students, staff, and families a very Merry Christmas!
about 4 years ago, El Dorado School District
We wish you a Merry Christmas