Second Grade Students visited the South Arkansas Art Center to view Dr. Moises Memenndez's "Famous People" Collection.
A well-known local surgeon, Dr. Moises Menendez hails from Lima, Peru, where he began dabbling in art at an early age. After much success in artistic endeavors as a child, they were eventually set aside when he began attending medical school. His interest in painting and drawing resurfaced many years later and he has enjoyed learning new techniques and painting his family and grandchildren’s portraits.
Menendez has been inspired by this quote from the like-minded famous sports figure, Babe Ruth, who said, “I’ve heard people say that the trouble with the world is that we haven’t enough great leaders. I think we haven’t enough great followers. I have stood side by side with great thinkers – surgeons, engineers, economists; people who deserve a great following – and have heard the crowd cheer me instead.”
Menendez’ goal is to complete at least 50 portraits of notable people and to show the new generation how much benefit they have obtained from the work and dedication of these people such as Pasteur, Marie Curie, Bell, the Wright brothers, Salk, Morton, Edison, Faraday, Pavlov, Florey, and others.
“Most of my career I have been intrigued and amazed about history, especially with people who were discoverers or inventors,” said Dr. Menendez. “History is important because it allows us to understand our past, which in turn allows us to understand our present.
Thank you Miss Tribble for exposing our students to great works of art. Also, thank you Laura Allen and the South Arkansas Art Center for allowing our students to come visit.