Today some of our girls are at the Girls of Promise Coding Summit!
almost 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Girls of Promise Coding Summit
Girls of Promise Coding Summit
Girls of Promise Coding Summit
Our students had a blast with the hour of code this week! Here they made "Slay the Dragon" hats. This was one game they coded!
almost 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Hour of Code
This week our students have participated in the HOUR OF CODE! We love seeing them have so much fun coding!
almost 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Hour of Code
Hour of Code
Hour of Code
Hour of Code
WMS is so excited to be one of only 3 middle school finalists for the 2018 STEM Excellence Awards!
almost 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
STEM Excellence Awards
El Dorado School District will have a 1:30 dismissal Tuesday, December 19.
almost 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Early Dismissal
Picture retakes will be Thursday, Dec. 7th at 8:00 am!
almost 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Photo Retakes
The WMS Cinematography class worked on a Thanksgiving animation last week. Check it out!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
6th grade Pre AP students participated in a #BreakoutEDU to review their most recent classroom novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Breakout EDU
Breakout EDU
Breakout EDU
Breakout EDU
More photos from our field trip this week to reward our Fairy Tale Fever winners!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Fairy Tale Fever Winners
Fairy Tale Fever
Students and homeroom classes that won contests during Fairy Tale Fever were rewarded with a field trip yesterday!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
reward field trip
reward field trip
reward field trip
reward field trip
Students worked hard in the library for the past two days creating interactive posters using Scratch and Makey Makey!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Students complete a circuit using Makey Makey to play a recorded message.
Mrs. Wiley"s class enjoyed a math workshop today following a math show in the gym by a math theater group out of Fayetteville.
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Mrs. Wiley"s class enjoyed a math workshop today following a math show in the gym by a math theatre group out of Fayetteville.
Mrs. Wiley"s class enjoyed a math workshop today following a math show in the gym by a math theatre group out of Fayetteville.
Mrs. Wiley"s class enjoyed a math workshop today following a math show in the gym by a math theatre group out of Fayetteville.
Please scan this at Brookshires on NW Avenue with your purchase. WMS will get "Cash for Schools!"
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Cash For Schools
Attention students and parents: school will dismiss at 1:30 on Friday, November 17.
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Early Dismissal
So proud of our WMS beginning band in concert last! Great job students!!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
WMS beginning band
During our STEAM DAY students created dioramas of fables. Check out just a few of our favorites!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Fable Diorama
Fable Diorama
Fable Diorama
Fable Diorama
Jack and the Beanstalk was one of the challenges for STEAM DAY! Students had to get Jack and an egg down safely.
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk
One of our stations for STEAM DAY was a Kahoot Challenge!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Kahoot Challenge
Kahoot Challenge
Kahoot Challenge
Check out our video to see a few of our favorite PIG HOUSES created during Fairy Tale Fever!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Teachers when through a fairy-tale themed obstacle course that finished with them floating across the river on a student made boat!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School