Today some of our girls are at the Girls of Promise Coding Summit!
almost 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Our students had a blast with the hour of code this week! Here they made "Slay the Dragon" hats. This was one game they coded!
almost 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
This week our students have participated in the HOUR OF CODE! We love seeing them have so much fun coding!
almost 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
WMS is so excited to be one of only 3 middle school finalists for the 2018 STEM Excellence Awards!
almost 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
El Dorado School District will have a 1:30 dismissal Tuesday, December 19.
almost 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Picture retakes will be Thursday, Dec. 7th at 8:00 am!
almost 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
6th grade Pre AP students participated in a #BreakoutEDU to review their most recent classroom novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
More photos from our field trip this week to reward our Fairy Tale Fever winners!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Students and homeroom classes that won contests during Fairy Tale Fever were rewarded with a field trip yesterday!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Students worked hard in the library for the past two days creating interactive posters using Scratch and Makey Makey!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Mrs. Wiley"s class enjoyed a math workshop today following a math show in the gym by a math theater group out of Fayetteville.
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Please scan this at Brookshires on NW Avenue with your purchase. WMS will get "Cash for Schools!"
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Attention students and parents: school will dismiss at 1:30 on Friday, November 17.
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
So proud of our WMS beginning band in concert last! Great job students!!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
During our STEAM DAY students created dioramas of fables. Check out just a few of our favorites!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Jack and the Beanstalk was one of the challenges for STEAM DAY! Students had to get Jack and an egg down safely.
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
One of our stations for STEAM DAY was a Kahoot Challenge!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School
Teachers when through a fairy-tale themed obstacle course that finished with them floating across the river on a student made boat!
about 7 years ago, Washington Middle School