Elementary students: Get some practice taking AR tests on Thursdays starting June 13 at Hugh Goodwin. You could be entered to win $150 Walmart card! Check out the flyer for details.
over 5 years ago, El Dorado School District
Summer AR tests opportunities
It's Summertime! Reading is a great way to relax and enjoy your summer! Tell us: What are you reading this summer?
over 5 years ago, El Dorado School District
It's Summer! What are you Reading?
Don't miss out on this week's Wildcat Basketball Camps, starting today at the EHS Arena. Register upon arrival.For more information contact Coach Gary Simmons gsimmons@esd-15.org.
over 5 years ago, El Dorado School District
Basketball camps 3-6 grade and 7-9 grade
Today is the last day of school! Dismissal will be at 2:45. Have a wonderful and safe summer!
over 5 years ago, El Dorado School District
Last Day of School
El Dorado Schools will be offering FREE breakfast and lunch during the summer to all children in the community! See the flyer for details.
over 5 years ago, El Dorado School District
Summer Meal Program: free to those 18 and under
REMINDER: No School Monday, May 27 in observance of Memorial Day.
over 5 years ago, El Dorado School District
Memorial Day 5/27 No School
Only one week of school left! Please note the early dismissal at 2:45 on Friday, May 31.
over 5 years ago, El Dorado School District
Last Day of School 5/31 Dismiss @ 2:45pm
There will be no school Monday, May 27 in observance of Memorial Day.
over 5 years ago, El Dorado School District
No School 5/27 - Memorial Day
New this week: The Promise Podcast, Episode 12 - STEM Across the Curriculum. Listen to how our three-time international award-winning Washington Middle School has integrated a STEM focus throughout their school.
over 5 years ago, El Dorado School District
The Promise Podcast Episode 12 - STEM Across the Curriculum
El Dorado High School Graduation will be held at Memorial Stadium at 8:00 pm and broadcast live at www.eldoradosportsnetwork.com or via the Sports section of our app. If there are any changes in the schedule due to inclement weather, they will be posted here.
over 5 years ago, El Dorado School District
Please see the attached AP Make-Up Exam Schedule if you missed taking any of your exams.
over 5 years ago, El Dorado School District
AP Make-Up Exam Schedule
The Promise Podcast released a new episode today! Check out our interviews with several teachers and Economics Arkansas about Financial Literacy for students. http://www.eldoradopublicschools.org/promise-podcast
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
The Promise Podcast: Financial Literacy
During the night, a car accident occurred that caused damage to Yocum Primary. As a result, there will be no school at Yocum Primary (only grades K and 1) today. This will be an AMI day for these students. Parents are encouraged to have their child complete the AMI packet that was sent home earlier in the school year. For more information on AMI days, go to www.eldoradopublicschools.org.
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Important announcement: no school at Yocum primary today
We are pleased to announce that Stephanie Lowrey will be the New Teacher Induction Program Leader. Mrs. Lowrey has been a 4th grade teacher at Hugh Goodwin and has been in the District for six years. In her new role, Mrs. Lowery will manage the new teacher mentoring program.
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Stephanie Lowrey - New Teacher Program Leader
No School on April 19 for Good Friday and Monday, April 22 for Easter Break! Enjoy your weekend!
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Easter Break April 19-22 No School
Check out the newest episode of The Promise Podcast where we talk to Deborah Coffman from the ADE about ESSA & School Ratings (which were released today). Listen to the end to hear our new segment "Stories from the Classroom". It's sure to bring you laughter and inspiration! http://www.eldoradopublicschools.org/promise-podcast
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
The Promise Podcast Episode 10
ICYMI: Check out The Promise Podcast episode on Library Media Centers of Today in honor of #NationalLibraryWeek to hear how libraries across Arkansas and the nation are transforming! http://www.eldoradopublicschools.org/promise-podcast
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
The Promise Podcast - Library Media Centers episode 8
Libraries quote from ADE
El Dorado Schools will be in regular session today. The paved roads in the district are clear of water and safely passable for our buses. However, as a precaution buses will not travel down gravel roads this morning. We ask that if you do live down a gravel road that is safe to drive on, please transport your child to where the pavement begins. UPDATE: Mt. Holly Road and 19th have cleared this morning and buses will be able to pick up on those routes as usual. Use your best judgement for traveling in your area, if roads are still unsafe to pass, please do not drive on them. Students who are unable to get to school due to flooding will be excused. Stay safe!
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
As the rain continues we know many of you are concerned about school closures. We will be working closely with the El Dorado Police Department to monitor road conditions. Any changes to the school schedule will be communicated on our website and social media pages. If road conditions prevent your student from getting to school safely, their absence will be excused. Everyone use caution and drive safely!
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Check out the newest episode of The Promise Podcast all about School Security with Superintendent Jim Tucker, School Safety Director Jay Vines, and recently retired police Captain Kevin Holt. They explore the relationship between schools and local law enforcement, and delve into bullying and arming teachers. Click the Podcast button in the Menu to listen on your favorite platform!
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
The Promise Podcast Episode 9: School Security