Report Cards will be sent home today. Take this opportunity to visit with your child about their grades. Praise their successes and talk about areas that challenge them and how they can grow.
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Report Cards Sent Home Today
The track at Memorial Stadium will be closed Tuesday-Thursday of this week due to construction. Track meets will continue as scheduled.
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Track closed Tuesday-Thursday
Mark your calendar for early dismissal on Friday, March 15 at 2:45 p.m. to kick off Spring Break!
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Early Dismissal March 15 @ 2:45pm
Spring Break March 18-22
Listen to how three different high school teachers create quality student discussions in today's episode of The Promise Podcast. Be a fly on the wall in these classrooms to experience their approaches first hand. Check it out today! #professionaldevelopment
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
The Promise Podcast Episode 7: Literacy Part 2
Here is the approved calendar for the 2019-20 school year.
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
2019-20 school calendar
Watch the Wildcats in the 5A State Basketball Tournament this Thursday at 5:30 p.m. on the Lake Hamilton Live YouTube Channel.
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
State Basketball Tournament broadcast live via Lake Hamilton Live YouTube Channel
Barton Junior High students interviewed some of their teachers to find out why they #LoveTeaching. Check out what they learned!
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
It's time for Kindergarten Registration! If you have a child currently enrolled in grades K-3, you may enroll siblings on March 6. Open registration begins March 7 at 8:00 a.m. Pick up your enrollment packet at the Administration Office today!
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Kindergarten Registration: Open Enrollment 3/7 8:00-4:00; Sibling Registration 3/6 8:00-4:00
If your child is entering 5th or 6th grade next year and is interested in joining the band, come to this event Monday night to help them pick their instrument and get more information!
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Join the Band - Preview Night February 25 3:30-6:00pm WMS Band Hall
Literacy is the key to successful education. Listen to the newest episode of The Promise Podcast to hear how El Dorado Schools are working with struggling readers and how a new classroom strategy is producing deeper relationships.
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
The Promise Podcast, Episode 6: Literacy Part 1
Gifted & Talented is now accepting nominations for their program. If you would like to nominate a child to be tested for GT, please email Beth Jones at by February 28th. Please include the child's name, grade level and indicate why you are nominating them.
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Gifted & Talented on a chalkboard with school supplies around it
Students have a long weekend coming up! Winter Holiday is Friday, February 15 and Parent Teacher Conferences Monday, February 18. Make plans to attend your child's Parent Teacher Conferences!
almost 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Winter Holiday - 2/15/19 No school for students
Parent Teacher Conferences 2/18/19 - 12-6 pm No school for students
Don't miss this week's Open House for incoming Kindergartners at all of our elementary schools! Visit Hugh Goodwin, Northwest, Retta Brown and Yocum Primary to make the Promising Choice for your child.
about 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
kindergarten Open House 2/7 4:30-7 pm
Technology in education can be a tremendous benefit to students, but does it also have some drawbacks? Listen to the newest episode of The Promise Podcast to hear our guests weigh in on the subject.
about 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
The Promise Podcast: Episode 5: Educational Technology
Looking for insight on student behavior? Check out this week's Promise Podcast with Behavior Specialist Holly Billings.
about 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Promise Podcast Episode 4: Student Behavior
Check out this week's episode of The Promise Podcast: Rural Schools & College Opportunities. Take a glimpse into how El Dorado Schools adapted a college-going culture and how teachers help broaden students scope of attainable colleges.
about 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Episode 3: Rural Schools & College Opportunities
Mark your calendar for Kindergarten Registration! Siblings of students in the same home who are currently enrolled in grades K-3 can register March 6. Open registration begins March 7. Check out all of our schools during Kindergarten Open House on February 7!
about 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Kindergarten Registration March 6 & 7
Kindergarten Open House 2/7 4:30-7pm
Do you have a child starting kindergarten this fall? Visit all of our elementary schools during Kindergarten Open House to make the Promising Choice for your family! Hugh Goodwin Elementary 201 E. 5th Street Northwest Elementary 1600 N. College Avenue Retta Brown Elementary 505 Dixie Drive Yocum Primary 1103 W. Cedar
about 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
K Open House 2/7/19 4:30-7:00pm
There will be no school on Monday, January 21 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
about 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
sketch of MLK - No school 1/21/19
Have you listened to The Promise Podcast? Check out Standards Based Report Cards Part 2 today!
about 6 years ago, El Dorado School District
Promise podcast logo