Have you listened to The Promise Podcast? Check out Standards Based Report Cards Part 2 today! http://www.eldoradopublicschools.org/promise-podcast
The Promise Podcast launches today! Listen to the first episodes starting with Standards Based Reporting on iTunes, Stitcher or TuneIn. Then, check back for more in February! http://www.eldoradopublicschools.org/promise-podcast
We're looking forward to a happy and successful 2019 for all of our students! Enjoy the rest of your break! We'll see you on January 8!
Wishing you and your family all the joy and peace this season brings!
REMINDER: El Dorado Schools will dismiss at 1:30 pm tomorrow to begin Christmas Break! We wish you all a wonderful holiday!
Thank you to the El Dorado Police Department and the Union County Sheriff’s Office for Christmas shopping with our kids today as part of the Cops for Kids Shop with a Cop program!
Christmas Break begins with a 1:30 p.m. dismissal on December 21. Staff return January 7 and students return January 8. Happy Holidays!!
Come see the choirs and orchestras from El Dorado Schools perform at the courthouse today!
11:00 Northwest Elementary
11:30 EHS Orchestra
12:00 EHS Choirs
12:30 Washington
1:00 Hugh Goodwin
2:00 WMS Orchestra
Our students and staff have been singing and ringing the bells for the Salvation Army today at Walmart! We’re out there until 6 tonight. Come see us!
Today and everyday, we are thankful for the students, teachers, staff and administrators of the El Dorado School District and for a community that supports public education through your time and resources. Happy Thanksgiving!
Schools will dismiss early at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow and be out for Thanksgiving Break November 19-23.
AMI Packets have been issued this week. Keep these packets in a safe place in the event that school is cancelled due to inclement weather in the coming weeks. For more information on AMI Days, visit http://www.eldoradopublicschools.org/o/district/page/ami-day-information.
School is in regular session today. Roads are
clear but use caution, especially on bridges and overpasses. Be safe!
Today we honor all of the men and women who have served our country. We thank you for your service and are grateful for the freedom we have because of your sacrifice. Happy Veteran's Day!
Please make note of the attached notice from our Special Education Department.
Thanksgiving Break is just around the corner!
Cafeteria Menus for November are now available at http://www.eldoradopublicschools.org/o/district/page/food-services--31.
Musicfest performances by El Dorado Schools’ choirs and bands will proceed as scheduled. If there are any changes, we will post them on our Facebook, Twitter and website (www.eldoradopublicschools.org).
Students will have a Fall Break with no school on Friday, October 19 and Monday, October 22. Staff will have a Professional Development Day on October 22. School will resume on Tuesday, October 23.
There is a FALSE social media post circulating about EHS closing school next week due to a threat. This post is absolutely false in regard to the threat and the school closing. In the event of any school closing, an official statement would be issued by the ESD. Any information regarding where this post originated can be sent via private message to the ESD Facebook page. Thank you and have a good weekend.