As a school, we are constantly working to help our students succeed academically, socially and behaviorally. One way that we are focused on our students’ academic success is through WIN time and BEAR time. WIN time and BEAR time are focused blocks of time that every student Kindergarten through 4th grade attends.
WIN time is a block of time used for students to focus on current lesson and current grade level skills they need more help with. This time allows students to get more teaching and practice in those areas to help them from becoming behind with their daily instruction. Every student is assigned to a group that focuses on a certain skill and as they master that skill, their group assignments will change. If a student has mastered all lesson skills, they will be in an extension group working on special projects that highlight their knowledge. Teachers use data from assessments and assignments in class to determine which group a student needs to attend. They are being evaluated often to see if they need to be assigned to a different group.
BEAR time is a block of time used for students to focus on any grade level skills they may need more help with. We understand that at times students may still struggle with skills that have been taught previously. These skills are still very important to their overall academic success, and we want to ensure our students gain the knowledge they need to continue to be successful in every grade. Just like during WIN time, students who have mastered all skills will be placed in an extension group to work on sharing their knowledge in unique ways. Students are continuously being evaluated to determine their skill mastery and they will be placed in new groups according to that data.
WIN time and BEAR time happen daily for every student and it is so important that each student attends. We encourage you, as guardians, to help your students by ensuring that they are at school on-time each day and remain at school until dismissal. We have already seen growth among our students and we know these blocks of time are great tools to ensure academic success.

WIN Time and BEAR Time
November 4, 2022