January 16, 2025
Monday, February 10th is the Final Sign Up Date! Please email eldoradoyouthbaseball@yahoo.com with any questions. If your child would like to play, but is unable to pay the sign...

September 6, 2023
Our Primary and Elementary schools both follow behavior and social expectations spelled out through the word BEARS . B is for Be Responsible, E is for Empathize, A is Achieve,...

August 6, 2023
Orientation is an important event for students and parents! Get your schedules, meet your teachers, and learn the layout of your school all before the first day! August 10th: ...

March 28, 2023
Open Registration begins at 10am next Tuesday, April 4th.
We use an online format for registration. If you are planning to register your child...

March 2, 2023
At both our Primary and Elementary buildings, students can earn BEARS bucks throughout the week. Students can earn these bucks from any staff member who sees them following the BE...
February 3, 2023
As a school, we are centered around student learning. One way that we promote student learning is through goal setting. We help our students set goals around their learning, and t...

December 7, 2022
Yocum Primary received a new book vending machine! Mrs. Collinsworth, the Primary literacy facilitator, has been working for months to get a customized book vending machine for ou...

November 4, 2022
As a school, we are constantly working to help our students succeed academically, socially and behaviorally. One way that we are focused on our students’ academic success is ...

October 12, 2022
Our students are working daily to follow the BEARS path and do school the BEARS way! Our students are focusing on B eing responsible, showing E mpathy, A chieving, being R esp...

October 5, 2022
Our Kindergarten and 1st graders hosted a Celebrate Freedom Parade for our 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders. This parade kicked off our Celebrate Freedom Week, which was September 26th-30...

September 30, 2022
The El Dorado School District will host Parent-Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, October 11th from noon - 6:00pm. Students will not attend school that day in order for teachers and...

September 13, 2022
At Yocum, our goal is not only to help our students grow academically, but socially and behaviorally as well. We have worked to create goals for each of our students in five main ...

September 6, 2022
We are so excited to have new outdoor musical instruments at both our Primary and Elementary buildings! Jessica Moore, Elementary principal, and Kristen Thomas, Primary principal,...

August 10, 2022
The start of the 2022-2023 school year is just a week and a half away! If you missed the Back to School Guide, check it out here . Each school will host an orientation, where st...

August 9, 2022
The El Dorado School District School Board voted to approve changes to the Cell Phone Policy at the July Board meeting. The changes are as follows:
“Electronic devices” is de...

August 13, 2021
The new school year tends to bring about a wide range of emotions for people: younger students are eager to get back to their friends and teachers, older students are sad to see s...

August 5, 2021
The El Dorado School District will be offering a COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Wednesday, August 11th from 8am-10am at El Dorado High School. Participants will enter through the ...

August 2, 2021
The El Dorado School District provides each student with a Chromebook during the school year. Devices must be checked out at the beginning of the year and checked in at the end o...

July 23, 2021
El Dorado students have a busy week next week with several activities planned. Along with being the last week of the summer meal program, students can participate in academic, ath...

July 18, 2021
The El Dorado School District would like to announce Coach Ashlee Curtis as the new Head Girls Basketball Coach. Coach Curtis has been a part of the coaching staff at EHS and serv...