COMMISSIONED SCHOOL SECURITY OFFICERS NEEDED: The El Dorado School District has openings for Uniformed Commissioned School Security Officers.
Apply today at or call (870) 864-5005 for more information.
ESD: Bus routes 14 & 20 will not run this afternoon, September 19.
Here's a friendly reminder that both 5th & 6th graders have their Independent Reading Assignment/Project coming up. Both grades were given specific instructions as to how to complete this and when it is due. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact your student's reading teacher.
5th Grade- Independent Reading Assignment due September 30th
6th Grade- Independent Reading Project due October 20th
National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15 to October 15 in the United States for recognizing the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements for the United States.
Students in Ms. Escamilla's Spanish class participated by eating traditional dishes from Spanish-speaking countries, decorating flags, and creating decorative flowers from tissue paper. In the past week they work hard to research & create a poster over influential Hispanic figures.
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!
Due to technology issues, progress reports could not be printed and will be sent home on Monday. Please remember that you were provided the Schoology Parent Access code this week and can check grades through the platform anytime.
Help us celebrate Mrs. Norris’ 3rd period. They were our first class to have 100% of the class master their cowbell target of multiplying fractions. Way to go!
Mark your calendars! Picture day is Thursday, October 5th.
¡Marquen sus calendarios! El día de la foto es el jueves 5 de octubre.
It’s not too late to sign up to go to Greece this summer. There will be a parent interest meeting September 21st at 5pm in the library.
Hey WMS parents - Tomorrow is our first SNACKATHON of the year! Please send cash with your kids for this PTO fundraiser - they can buy snacks and drinks and enjoy them at school!
Avon Wooten was caught doing a great job in Coach Ezell’s class. Avon was helping and encouraging other students in the classroom! Way to go!
Students in Ms. Escamilla's class participated in a scavenger hunt around the room. They had to locate the parts of the microscope to the purpose they were reading. Some of the answers were in plain sight where as some required a bit of thinking.
We are excited and honored to announce that WMS is a Model PLC School!
The phones are down districtwide if you need to get a hold of the WMS Office please email our secretaries Mrs. Moore at or Mrs. Holt at
You guys showed up & showed out! Mark your calendars, our next House Color Wars will be October 5th.
#fourhousesonefamily ❤️💚💙🖤
Check out Mrs. Canady's AO practicing problem solving and effective communication. They had to work with a partner to tie several twizzlers together using only one hand each. It was a challenge but had several successes and unique ways of tying them all together.
Thank you Delek & Delek Logistics for the $2,000 STEM Exploration Donation for Ms. Braswell and Mr. Rynders STEM and Coding classes!
Tomorrow is the day! We can't wait to see you decked out in your house colors tomorrow! #fourhousesonefamily ❤️💚💙🖤
Students participated in our passport day by traveling to various campus locations to review the Washington ARMOR. Each location informed them about the behavior expectations for that specific location in order to be a successful Knight at WMS.
So our first official House Color Wars starts next Thursday, September 7th, but we were happy to see students eager to support their houses today as well. By the looks of it, next week is going to be better! 😉 #fourhousesonefamily ❤️💚💙🖤
House Color Wars Are Back! ❤️💚💙🖤